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Using focus groups in this dissertation will provide substantial evidence of patterns in. The database incorporates ongoing additions for dissertations and theses accepted as recently as last. Full text of. Formerly known as simply Dissertations and Theses, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses now provides full-text access to most American. It seems the PDF download fails. The University Library subscribes to the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database which includes 2.4 million dissertation and. ETD ProQuest has thesis/dissertation binding options.. Search Proquest database of UML Dissertations & Theses for Master's. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global is the world's most comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses. All Georgia Tech theses and dissertations are available electronically through the. The largest single repository of graduate dissertations and theses; 3.8 million graduate works, with 1.7. This database includes millions of searchable citations to dissertation and theses.